Where's the Party?! Anywhere NY Party Works brings their wares...
If you are thinking about entertainment options for your Mitzvah, you should consider putting in a call to NY Party Works. Here's just a taste of what they can offer:
For Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, NY Party Works offers different photo systems such as photo booths, virtual backgrounds, holographic flip photos, super-imposed photos, pop noggins and music videos. They can also supply your event with arcade video games, pinball machines, game tables and large simulators. One of their most popular items is their Game Pro System which features Playstation, X Box, Wii, Rockband and Guitar Heroes on flat screen monitors on an overhead truss. Cool! They also offer large interactive inflatables and carnival games for the more action-packed parties. Need a performer/artist, such as a body artist, caricaturist, circus performer or fortune teller? NY Party Works can hook you up!
If you live in the NY/NJ/Conn area, give them a call at 631-501-1414.
REWARD: Receive $150 Off of any order over $1,000 (not including tax and delivery). Tell them the Mitzvah Moms sent you!
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